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Active Case: Chiquita Canyon

Determine Your Eligibility for the Chiquita Canyona Landfill Case

Chiquita Canyona Landfill Mass Tort

The Chiquita Canyon Landfill in Castaic, California, has been mandated to address the odor affecting local neighborhoods after thousands of complaints and numerous violation notices. According to both the property owners and the AQMD, the smell is caused by dimethyl sulfide (DMS) that is coming from an older part of the landfill. DMS is a colorless, oily liquid that is often described as smelling like an onion or worse. The smell reportedly impacts multiple communities, including Castaic, Live Oak, Hasley Canyon, and Val Verde.

In early September, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) issued an abatement order to the landfill’s operators, Waste Connections, to mitigate the odors impacting the community. Specifically, the operators must maximize the use of gas flares, submit monthly reports, bring in an expert committee to investigate and address the issue, and enhance overall monitoring efforts.

If you or your family were affected by smell coming from the landfill, you could have grounds to file a lawsuit. For more information about the legal options available to you, we recommend that you seek legal assistance with the experts here at our law firm immediately. At the Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers are more than ready to fight for your rights and help you recover the compensation that you are owed. Contact us today for more information about the legal options available to you.

Landfill Class Action Lawsuits

Some odors are considered relatively normal. For example, gas stations and meat packaging plants have a distinct smell. The same applies to landfills, which are expected to smell like trash. However, landfill odors must not be a nuisance to the surrounding communities.

Unfortunately, landfill owners often disregard the smells from their property, even after receiving thousands of complaints. This neglect prevents community members from enjoying their property and can lead to physical harm from prolonged exposure to landfill odors.

If you and your family have been affected by the odors coming from a local landfill, it is important that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible. You could have grounds to file a lawsuit. More specifically, you could be eligible to participate in a class action lawsuit. For more information about your right to sue and potentially recover compensation, contact the experts here at My Class Action Lawyer today.

Únase a una demanda colectiva en 3 sencillos pasos

Paso 1

Los administradores de casos están disponibles las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana para responder de manera confidencial sus preguntas y analizar las opciones para seguir adelante con su caso.

Paso 2

Participe en la demanda colectiva para aprovechar el poder colectivo de aquellos afectados por reclamos similares para reforzar la solidez del caso.

Paso 3

Cuando ganemos el caso, usted recibirá su parte del acuerdo o sentencia otorgada al grupo.


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